Group project part 1

short film concept

the first part of the group project is deciding upon the short film concept, previously we decided we will make a live action film with animated elements so that everyone can have a hand in the production that is already what they are proficient in.

what was decided was that people with ideas bring them in to be voted upon and include a mood board, however i took liberties with is as my premiss is made only in one location,and is a comedy

there was also another concept for a short film but the concept would likely be very difficult to pull of
Based off the “joke” there's a fly in my soup, a chief who has been tormented by this “joke” has finally gotten back on his feet and tonight he has a food critic at his restaurant, who orders the soup, once prepared the chief takes one last look out the kitchen window at the critic hidden behind the menu, then when he turns back he sees a fly on the edge of the soup bowl, this triggers a horrifying (exaggerated) flash back of his previous job, after returning from that he sneaks up on the fly (with a quick paced tip toeing+ piano keys eg: Scooby doo like) and attempts to kill him (antics ensue leaving the fly dead) the chief proceeds to take the soup to the critic, who lowers the menu reviling himself to be a frog man, the chief looks unamused and shoves the soup in its face and promptly leaves.

Logo design option 

for the group project we created a company, the name that was chosen for this company was hungry seagull productions. others and i took the idea and made a draft logos to be voted on in the next meeting, this is my design.  


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