Dark Star Part 10

world map, reasons for finding the Dark Star and possible new characters

Reasons for finding the dark star 

Kiro: to get control of his life, and at the beginning to change the world to his view of a ideal world, kiro is obsessed with power and control, after he was helpless for so many year's to the tides of society and the key event that left him with his strict ideology and the scar under his eye (will explain later) he sees the great opportunity to get it with the Dark Star.

Darcy: to help those in need, and to also save his friends life after he finds out about the "fate decay"/ how creations of the dark star dont live long past they're expected fate, Darcy is the moral center of the group and subsequently wants the dark star to help others

Ash: immortality, not just for herself but her friends, however even if they didnt want to be immortal (at the beginning) she would force it upon them, her previously mentioned ideology is selfish and she does care for her friends but for the wrong reasons.

New Characters      

at the moment i would only think to add one more main character but there will also be minor characters that influence the group

Nil: a androginos creation of the Dark Star, seems to often be lost in there own thoughts and always speaks softly, the reason for there creation is unknown as most were created to influence the group but they lived in Bolo, a place the main character's didnt ever expect to go, Nil fills the roll of the Big Guy as previously mentioned in the last post, having the most magical power of any of the group, another idea for story telling is that Nil is the Dark Star but the main group isnt aware. this characters humour comes from there attempt to mesh with the group, mimicking there personality's but in a very soft spoken voice, giving a ridiculousness to the Delivery of the "jokes".

the rivals

Reginald: hailing from Faraguard, Reginald is a master duelist and magic caster, he is the same age as the main characters and far more experienced and even more posh, however this just causes the main characters to bully him for this and his sense of superiority, Reg as the main characters call him(to which he hates) was tasked with Geting the Dark Star for Faraguards control, but learns of its power and why they want it.

Sheba: comes from Orem, aslo known as dirt Haven, she found out about the Dark Star in her own research, but on ancient technology's pushing the belief that the Dark Star is Mechanical, Sheba knows no magic but is a big fan of guns, starting out more powerful that the main team with un-perfected magic, Orem is like a futuristic Wild west, and they have a huge controll on the fire arms trade.

William: starting out in Duneford as a Shifter (postman) William had no prospects, untill he mishandled a package reveling its contents, research notes of the Dark Star, a Compass that doesn't point north embedded in a knife that speaks, the knife extends into a sword and tells william to destroy the Dark Star and Someone called Nil.        


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