Dark Star part 13

Possible plot devices 

The call of power

During encounters with people who had misused the Dark Star, turning themselves into monsters, a "shadow" seems to escape from the body and the person returns to their natural state, the shadows bind themselves to the closest living thing not created by the Dark Star, more than often being Kiro, this gives him more power but leaves a trace of the ones "possessed" person's desires on the new wielder, more than often causing a craving for more power.  

Magic's ties  

energy for using magic does not necessarily have to come from the caster, others can bind their energy to others, the more influence/allies the group gets by helping people in various ways causes them to get more power, this device is a somewhat obvious metaphor for cooperation accomplishing great things.

Father of lies 

it goes unknown for a while where Kiro's father was taken/left to as the sudden need to escape Helmscroft, in this time Kiro's father is always trailing behind the team watching over them, but not in a caring way, it seems he knows that the Dark Star used by someone without the right "requirements" turns into a monster, with the brief moment he had with the darkstar he made Darcy and Ash, but this caused the distance from the hand he held the Dark Star in to his right eye to turn monstrous.

No Dark Stars, only people

the reason for the events leading up to the Killer chasing the team outside Helmscroft was  not in an attempt at killing them, but actually to set the real plan into motion, only making the team think they are avoiding the plan set for them. the real reason this is all happening is to create the Dark Star, on a machine or artifact but a person.  


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