Dark Star Part 11

Inter Group interaction's and character arcs

one of the main themes of this series is Friendship (sounds mushy but stay with me here) but its not like the usual friendships in films/series, the character's over the course of the series change and subsequently change the friendship, times get tough conflict ensues, one of the Key things that will show this is how the characters act outside of the group.

Kiro's Critical-ness and judgment of other's will lead him to judge who he saves, Darcy finds out about the "mission" Kiro did by himself during there time in bolo, that being, Killing the man who gave him the Scar under his eye as a child, when he was 7 his mother was robbed with him held hostage, and even after the criminal got what he wanted, what he wanted changed to a power fantasy, leaving Kiro with a Scar and taunting him by saying he lives in Bolo if he wants revenge, (purposeless evil) to Remember him by, Kiro doesn't believe evil people can be changed whilst Darcy thinks there is hope for everyone.

Ash's Self-Preservation includes her View on herself, when Darcy and Kiro chose to to something Life Threatening There are 2 main reasons she Acts aswell, to prove she is strong and to keep her friends alive, rather than saving others, but if the thing is boring she might up-and leave the other two to do it

Darcy trys to care for everything, even trying to keep stray animals as pets, his ideology may be viewed as very child like and that is exactly what Ash and Kiro think, sometimes even giving in to his wonder, excitement and "need" to help.

im unsure of where i will take the character arcs, at the moment there are two main ideas

Ideo-conflict- Dark series ending (not currently my favored choice)

tensions rise among the group and true intentions are reviled, Darcy wont let Kiro use the Dark Star for his Own Reasons of Judging who lives and dies, the arc shows the depths of the ideology's leading Kiro to kill His friend, Ash's selfishness leads her to also want the Dark Star for immortality and fights Kiro After the fight with Darcy, since he had told her shes not worthy of living forever, she to falls to Kiro but leaving him with a Soon to be fatal wound, he Gets the Dark Star but it doesnt Respond to him, leaving him with nothing (moral of the story is reflected on modern society where those who believe others should bend to there beliefs ever get the power they want)   

Characters learn from each other and the people they meet on they're journey and grow to be better people, they get control of there life's and use the Dark Star for good reasons. 

Kiro learns that people should do what they want aslong as it dosent effect others negatively

Darcy learns that you cant save those who dont want to be, focus on those who want to change

Ash Learns to Care for something other than herself, to have a impact on the world rather that just living in it               


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