Dark Star part 7

Character pose sheets/ first colour draft

 new clothing design poses for Ash, showing some of her character and what her occupation is, im thinking of sticking with the name shiftier for delivery workers and they all wear the same jacket ash does.
   poses of Kiro, one of which showing his magic casting, the magic draws from both the knowledge and tenacity of the caster, the veins on his arms up to his neck darken and bulge due to the huge strain it causes.
 examples of over-straining magic, from top left to right, the first is when attempting to heal a huge wound, causing the same wound to appear on the healer, the second is frost/cold magic, freezing the skin and slowing the blood, the third is illusion magic, but with this the visions come from the mind much like how the caster had manipulated the mind of the "victim", the forth is prolonged use of magic drawing more energy instead of causing a chaotic effect, shriveling the skin, the next is electricity, lines go up the skin much like that of real world lightning strikes hitting people. the last is fire, burns line the skin, char the fingers.
first draft of the characters colours, after putting them all side by side i found that the colours of Kiro and Darcy look to similar, with the oranges/blues. so i will be re-doing one of them, also ash it to much of one colour, and needs a contrasting colour to make her look more iconic. 


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