Dark Star part 12

Regions of the world (world building)


Duneford consists of large city's of high rising buildings, each walled of to keep the classes separated, the city's range from Futuristic metropolis to Industrial wasteland with most never transitioning from one city to another. the ruling company of Duneford is Dineima who have a monopoly on oil and with they're huge power plants often provides power to other regions establishing them as currently the greatest world power.


Porfill is strewn with huge ports and farms, it essentially has a monopoly on food production as with the rising population Porfill is supplying the demand, its ruling company Sailow allso has one of the biggest navy force's even though they are the most peaceful region. 


one of the world oddity's is the region of Bolo, the ruling company's name is Bolo and it use to be a chain of convenience stores that gained enough wealth to own its own small region, without any structural direction and its products being supplied through outside sources Bolo became a city of criminals, some groups formed to be teams of espionage/assassins but most are unorganized, the people of Bolo are called Bolo's  and are looked down upon by most common folk.


the very culture driven region of Faragard conforms to the "old ways" believing other regions have deviated form "the path". Faragard look's very much like a traditional medieval fantasy settlement and is one of few places that have legal magic schools, its ruling company Vulcan controls trades and mining of rare ores only found in Faragard and magic items that they bolster they're army's with, also it is one of the few region's that has oil deposits, however they do not mine/use it as it is "unnatural" instead having magic power they're machines.


also known as Dirt haven, Orem is the "wild west" of Ceribis and its ruling company Gallia has a monopoly on general firearms and gunpowder, the laws in Orem are obscure, letting you kill someone for saying your name backwards whilst doing a jig, the people of Dirt haven are superstitious and will shoot they're guns up in the air at 3 am to scare off demons.


being a land of endless deserts, Sulfshaw only has its large settlements along the water side, some have chosen to live in the wastelands, running away from the law enforcers of other regions, unlike Bolo that has been "protected" or better said avoided for its usefulness, there is no ruling company in Sulfshaw but instead having a open market. During the land segregation agreement Sulfshaw was given to company Yuio, but the original metropolis that was in the center of Sulfshaw fell to a unknown power, only described as a curse. (unknown to everyone the Dark Star was the Cause of this)   


perpetually caught in a "renaissance" period the ever changing Illiel is the home to new ideas, the laws here are lenient outside of (military Evasion) and its main profit comes from its entertainment/art businesses, its secondary main profit is a multitude of drugs, walking through the streets of illiel can sometimes feel like a zombie apocalypse causing the law enforcement to be near non-existent, whether this was caused on purpose by the ruling company Vicque is under suspicion.


forest as far as the eye can see, Korek's city's are hidden amongst the woods making it look as if there was a perpetual night, its people are very pale and often dont leave the darkness causing a greater xenophobia of other region's, its ruling company Ernock controls the wood trade and other strange resouses used for magic's, often seeked by Faragard, or drugs, often seeked by Illiel.


Zie is in conflict with most other regions, primarily Duneford, its ruling company Guro belives it was wronged on the agreement of land segregation, being cut from its main resource deposits, now its worked into being self sufficient and a large military power, its only trades are with Orem, Sulfshaw and for unknown reasons Helmscroft, causing issues between the regions that dont co-operate with Zie. many believe that a war is coming as tensions rise.


working outwards from the center point of a huge castle the rings of Helmscroft go from each of the main businesses, the smallest ring is the medicine monopoly and research facility's Caliber owns, the next ring is military, the third is the commercial zone and the last is the housing district. there is a clearance requirement to get past the first two and into the castle, helmscroft is currently under threat from Duneford for the trade union with Zie shooting down the by water delivery's that pass by them. beliveing that Caliber, Guro and Orem are planning a attack from Three fronts.           


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