Dark Star Part 2

Dark Star main characters

at the moment i have three main characters, however this number might change when i find out animating three main characters is gonna take to long, the characters names havent changed since the last post but i have more ideas about what thyre personalitys will be like, one of these aspect's include the characters ideology's, as they can often come to conflict.


critical of everyone, quick to angry and petty, however this is contrasted when he thinks someone (in his mind) is good, his tenacity to help/save with deserving people is unrivaled but his criteria is very strict. his "kinder" character shows when around his friends, often jabbing at them insultingly in a way friends who know each other would.

Kiro represents "Ego-law"

Ego-law is when someone believes that people who act outside of their personal ideology/ character are inherently “evil” on varying levels


Definition of a goof, Darcy has a very little attention span and does strange things without intention, whether its exiting a building through the window because "it was faster" or greeting his well known friends with a handshake or a bow. Darcy is also very caring and can help but feel bad for even those who everyone else has deemed a criminal.

Darcy represents circumstantial evil and free will: 

circumstantial evil is the belief that evil is just a matter of circumstance and anyone can be “saved” he also believes that everyone should do what they want as long as it doesn't negatively impact someone else. 


Ash is stubborn, smug and cunning. she Enjoys a good insult, even when directed at her - causing her to often jab at her friends, uses her smarts for the most inappropriate reasons, often recalling something stupid Darcy or Kiro has done in the past . what she hates most is being bored and boring people, often valuing someones entertainment value over there actual character/personality. Ash hold's Grudges to anyone who had wronged her and will make sure they are left even.   

Ash represents self-preservation

self-preservation is to only care for yourself and those who have a positive impact on you, ash does care for her friends because of this but beyond that which directly affects her ash couldn’t care less  


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