BSA 206 The Thief and the Cobbler

Richard William's the thief and the cobbler / Arabian knight

Richard Williams is a well known animator of Canadian/ British decent best known for his work on who framed Roger Rabbit and the unfinished film the thief and the cobbler. this was a animated film in production that Richard had been working on for over 25 years however through many hardships and miss-organisation it never got completed, Warner brothers, who had funded the film for part of its production took the rights to all the work that had been made up to that point and made another film out of it

Richard Williams wasn't experienced in making feature length films, only ever making short films about a generalized topic, this caused him to over do the productions time to create, always adding things and changing the story, which would be near impossible to deal with, not just for the animators but for the story to make sense with the conclusion, planed/story boarded, but the thing was there was no story board nor planed ending, leaving it open to so many possibility's of being changed along the way, to the point where it was never finished.

i personally think that the production of this film was almost evil, Grim Natwick who worked on the film as his final project, due to how he was very old calmed this was his sending off to the world as his final animation, but he never lived to see it before passing away, not even receiving the money he was promised on completion of the film as Richard couldn't pay everyone what they deserved, so for at the time he was very much under paid due to budget restrictions just like all the other animators who worked so hard and never saw there work for what it was for, instead all there work was taken from them, due to the contract Richard signed with the production company Allied Filmmakers needing the film to be finished far sooner than it could be, then it was altered it into a film so mundane it was found in cereal boxes to rid of the discs.

Image result for the thief and the cobblerImage result for arabian knight film


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