BSA 206 Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs, directed by Quentin Tarantino was a non-liner film that popularized the genre back in 1992, the films premise is the conflict between a group of thief's who just pulled of a diamond heist, but poorly due to a tip to the cops, and they believe one of them is a rat.

the films success can also be attributed to its editing leaded by Sally Menke, which there is plenty of as to make the non-liner storytelling coherent, and from then on she has edited many other films directed by Tarantino such as kill bill, pulp fiction and inglorious basterds

non-linear storytelling is something that often can be done poorly without proper editing or purpose, the most common examples of this is when a film shows the"false ending" at the beginning of the film for no explored reason, and often can be seen through as no film would end in such a way, but when done well it can be a interesting film style to watch, reservoir dogs did it well in that the film jumps ford and back in time to reveal more about the characters that leads you to believe who is the rat and how events lead to what we see.Image result for reservoir dogs


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