BSA 206 Blair witch project

Blair witch project

the Blair witch project is a found footage horror film made in 1999 and was directed by Eduardo Sanchez and Daniel Myrick, the films premise is a student film maker, her ex boyfriend and his friend are making a documentary on the myth of the Blair witch, only to fall into trouble themselves.

Image result for blair witch project
my opinion on the film

 being one of the first of its kind and causing a chain reaction of subsequent found footage horror films may lead most to think its a great horror film, however the key to horror films is horror and this film doesn't pull it off(of course what scares people is subjective but this is my perspective) , at no point was i scared or even had a feeling unease and even at some points the film was laughable in how the characters jumped between being crazy and (attempting to be) rational, i think the films popularity purely derived from its marketing campaign and new film style.

marketing campaign

the true success of this film can be attributed to its viral marketing, it was done in such a way that many people believed that the film was going to be real found footage, the reason for this is that rather than doing the regular tv advertisements as most films would Blair witch project had a website that was made to look like a "conspiracy theory" website where it told the story of the Blair witch and had information on the characters in the film, due to its "hype" the bigger influence this film had wasn't inspiring more found footage films but showing that viral marketing is a good way to advertises and contributed to the mass of it we see today.  


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