BSA 206 run lola run

Run Lola run

run Lola run is a German film made in 1998 and directed by tom tykwer that explores the concept of the "butterfly effect" on the events a couple / Lola and Mani go trough on the day where Mani needs to transfer stolen money his boss, but loses it, the film goes through 3 possibility each having a minor change that creates a flow on effect to both other people (shown though a photography montage) and themselves.
Image result for run lola run
the movie revived 28 film awards and nominated for 19

one of these awards was for best cinematography which can be seen through how the movie uses multiple filming techniques, such as when the first change occurs in each "reality" that causes the flow on effect in the film, is done in animation almost to hint at "this is where a change will occur" since the animation is surreal like the concept of the butterfly effect having that massive of a effect on the characters lives. another film technique run Lola run uses is montage, but done in a different way where whenever Lola interacts with a "background" character their life is changed as well as hers was, and there life from then on is show trough photographs being taken of them during key points of there lives


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