stop motion blog report 5

Image result for after effects logo film editing

we have now finished shooting the film and i got the job of editing this film since i was the only one willing, this consisted of splicing all the scenes together, editing the speeds they play at, creating freeze frames to indicate particular or exaggerate certain things, creating additional camera movements, creating transitions via the key frame and opacity tool, adding motion blur to indicate speed, adding a title, credits and sounds all done in after effects. after doing this i found that the film went for one minute and 30 secs, which was relatively the perfect length for the assessment.  

sound editing

i also decided to add sounds to the stop motion, i used almost only sound effects that sit already had except for the classic DUN DUN DUUUN sound that i got off YouTube and referenced in the credits, this process was pretty much the same as the film editing besides changing the audio levels to suit the scenes.


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