BVA106 La Jetee

La Jetee

Image result for La Jeteethis film from 1962 made by Chris Marker was a unusual story told through narration and a series of pictures, a alternate history were world war 3 had occurred and a man has to "travel through time" to fix the now destroyed world, i thought this film was interesting in a way but it was very slow, the story could have been summed up far quicker, but for the time it was made perhaps people had more patients, the story is were the film excels at most since it was very low budget explaining the film being told through pictures, however that is not to say its a great story, as i said it could be summed up far quicker, also the unusual attachment to the woman he saw as a child seems illogical but does support the ending twist which i wasn't in-fact expecting until just before it happens, which was entertaining.

this influence several other films such as
12 monkeys, terminator

and was influenced by
Alfred Hitchcock

