BSA 106 disturbing scenes

disturbing scenes i recall from childhood and now

female gremlin elevator scene, this was at a young age, however it still comes across as disturbing to, this, day. im not sure if it was suppose to be funny and whoever had that idea should have been exiled from the film industry, he was clearly too attached to this series.

Image result for female gremlin
mashed up toys from toy story, at the time this was like a horror film, just the idea that not only toys are alive, and have emotions and then having them torn apart and turned into  monster's for eternity, scolded by those that once loved them... being a over analyst as a kid will mess you up for sure.

Image result for mashed up toys toy story

firz the cat, all i can say is the cringe was to strong, even if the characters in this animated film where human it will still be sickening to the core, no exaggeration at all, and this was made in 1972, how did this happen you might ask? im not religious but it was clearly Satan.
Image result for fritz the cat


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