Dark Star part 19

development of the empire of Grimvaul/ world building 

Regions of the Empire 


The metropolitan expanse of Duneford is segregated into four districts, each large enough to be their own region, all are ruled under one governing force and each district, and the citizens who reside they're serves a role, citizens in district one refer to themselves as the elite, live in excess luxury and wealth and are tasked with the management of lower districts, inter-regional negotiations and trade, high stasis factory workers, politicians and other roles of the kind.

District two significantly differs from district one, its buildings reach taller but are overfilled, most citizens from district 2 work in medial jobs, military and factory’s from a very young age, there has never been a problem with this as the buildings rise high enough to see the less fortunate districts.

District three is plagued with barren, lead-filled land that impends on the citizen's health, this district is the primary conductor of many regions power and oil supply ’s, as such, citizens in this district work in those areas.

District 4 has the empires largest mining fields, which mine an undisclosed, underground material for years by the residence, the material is the secret to the vast amounts of power Duneford produces, at the cost of the highest mortality rate of any job, citizens of this district have been rumoured to mutate because of this material in not die from it.


Porfill is strewn with huge fishing docks, small villages, and farm land. porfill essentially has a monopoly on the food production industry as with the constant rising population all around the empire, Porfill is the only one supplying the demand. porfills citizens are some of the kindest, most welcoming and unaspiring people, they have very little crime amongst their own people and have no apparent military, they are on good terms with most regions and see no reason for a defence, there only plight is with Cardridge who sees Porfill as a weak link, and a key provider to its enemy’s.


one of the Empires oddity's is the region of Bolo, the ruling company's name is also Bolo during the land segregation agreement amongst the wealthiest groups amongst the empire, in the new world rule through a plutocracy, Bolo was at the time a chain of black markets, brothels, taverns and the like, that gained enough wealth to own its own small region under the terms of the agreement. Bolo is without any structural direction and its products/services being ether supplied through outside sources or are non-tradable Bolo became a city of criminals working for or stealing from other regions, some groups formed to be syndicates of espionage/assassins, but most are unorganized, the people of Bolo are called Bolo’s and are untrusted by anyone who recognises them as one.


All people of Faraguard are raised with and conform to their self-proclaimed “righteous path “which are old ways and traditions, believing other regions have deviated from "the path” and are lesser for it, having most of its citizens being pompous and egotistical, whilst the astetic of the region is styled after old arcetetuce and castels.

Farguard, even with its firm beliefs still trades with outside regions, if they show a grandiose display of respect that is. Faraguard controls the trade of rare ores only found in its island and wanted by Helmscroft, duneford and Cardridge, aswell as salt and a addictive Flower widely used (burned and inhaled) before and after the land segregation agreement, however, outsiders aren't allowed into Faraguard unless they pledge themselves to the aforementioned “path”.


also known as Dirt haven due to the wide expanse of infertile soil, Orem is the backwards region of Grimvale, which is in a dangers combination with they're primary production and trade of general, to excessively powerful firearms and gunpowder, the laws in Orem are always changing and absurd, one day letting you kill someone for saying your name backwards and the next for wearing un-matching socks, evidently most of the citizens of Orem are superstitious( aswell as crazy), having traditions such as shooting they're guns up in the air at 3 am to “scare off them there demons”.
 for a long time Orem was indebted to profill keeping the people of the region alive but has recently cut of that trade, many believing its new supplier is Cardridge . irrational


being a land of ceaseless deserts, Sulfshaw only has its settlements along the water side in order to maintain a constant water supply, however, some have chosen to live in the inhospitable wastelands, evading the law enforcers of other regions. there is no governing force in Sulfshaw, caused by when the land segregation agreement was made Sulfshaw was undivided amongst the regions, as it was believed not to have any worth, now it’s the home to all people who escaped they're region in an effort for freedom.
 most people who live here once were citizens of district 2,3 and 4 of Duneford or exiles of Faraguard. Without any governing force Sulfshaw is instead an open market of trading within itself, the citizens left to its own devices.


Illiel was Once the wealthiest of regions but its commodities became less valued as the world changed causing it to lose that title, its main resources are gold, which lost its value as a pervious metal, but still retains some worth in the development and implementation of technology and to those who still think it has value in its appearance, the other being the biggest entertainment industry in the empire, because of this it’s often referred to as the city of fools. Illie still visual appears like a incredibly wealthy region, its buildings and infrastructures continued existing from a time where what they provided was of more value. 


Also called the great wood, Korek consist of boundless, evergreen forests which Korek's cities are hidden amongst, providing a natural protection from outsiders, making areas of it seem as if there was a perpetual night. Korek’s people are pale and don’t often leave the forests causing a xenophobia of other regions, though it controls the timber and coal trades.

Many rumours spread about what lies in the woods of Korek, these range from monsters, undiscovered civilisations to even mages, but only Korek rangers know how to navigate in and out of the forest.    


Cardridge calls itself the “new world” and is the only region that can boast a true self-sufficancy and development, this originally wasn’t through their own intentions, it became a necessity with the segregation of land amongst the Grimvaul empire leaving them in a un-opertunistic region, separating them from their primary trading resources and effectively taking away any power they could have had in the new plutocracy run world, over the years the citizens of Cardridge grew spiteful of the regions that allowed this sentencing and is coming to conflict with most other regions, primarily Duneford, the current greatest world power. Recently some regions are opening trades with Cardridge such as Orem, Helmscroft and faragaurd causing suspicion amongst the empire, many believe that a war is coming as tensions are riseing.


Known as the iron coil, Helmscorft is the most technologically advanced region, approximately 35% of the population are in research and developmental jobs, even though the districts of Helmscroft are segregated between the classes, the lower-class areas still can be found developing obscure technologies from scrap metals or medicines using imported resources, and with great success citizens can rise to a more privileged district.
 rumours have begun that the technology developed in the upper-class district is made through the use of magic, breaking the world-wide agreement made after the “extinction of magic” a millennium ago but no actual evidence has of yet been found, and finding any remnants of knowledge on magic is next to impossible after the extensive measures taken to erase it. Helmscroft is also under suspicion of working with Cardridge to bring about another new world order.


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