Dark Star part 16

Random notes on the Dark Star series development part 3

first random idea for the pieces of the dark star:

The pieces of the dark star are seemingly misalliance items, the first being a book that when written into creates a person or being of the description, however when used with the right aptitude inflicts the creation to form from the creator, in which the borrowers (what thiefs from bolo call themselves) from bolo where turned into the monster that they had planned to send upon the village. (probably the only one that in certain of, after some workshoping) (also the storyline of the borrowers from bolo has changed btw)

The second is a pair of glasses that when worn allow you to see the current plausible future(what the future would be if you didn't look into the future), once used the future changes,  the outcome however. When used without the aptitude to wear, a vision of a false future is shown, often sealing one's fate.

The third is a key that when held as if to unlock a door opens a gateway between one place to another, when used without the aptitude to wield, the doorway is almost never were you desire it to be, often opening into space as it is the largest possibility of "random place".

The fourth is a single glove that gives the wearer unlimited energy, they cannot suffer from exhaustion, hunger or thirst, and negative effects of magic are non existent, a wearer without the aptitude to wield this will. (didn't finish this description, perhaps because it was to weird)

The fifth is a knife, when a wielder makes a cut upon their body they can return to that time they did so as they wish, when used without the aptitude to do so, they are instead sent forward to when they make there next cut, if they do not do this in their future they vanish into non existence, people who have previously wielded this have often tattooed dates next to the cuts (WOW super edgy stuff, the concept this was for a "villain" who is covered in minor cuts that they jump in time to)

Kiro/Gideons cut under his eye was made with this knife without his knowledge (there is no cut anymore)     

other ideas

A mirror that when stared into long enough causes the reflection to become its own person, a replica of yourself but omnipotent, without the aptitude to use the reflection is instead a lier, extremely cunning and only telling lies when most dangerous.

Dice that when rolled (didn't even finish this one)


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