Group project part 6

Animation's : part 1 

a issue that was looked over in the production of this short film was what the animation was going to look like, there were some conceptual designs but they were "still images" and had no indication of what the movement was supposed to look like, i decided to make animations to show to the director/ art director to get an idea of whether that animation style was wanted.

 the first idea i had in my mind, based of the general idea i picked up on through group meetings, was to animate the colours like bubbles or balloons when the air is let out of them.

to get the colourful spectrum that's supposed to represent the escape from reality, and to have it so the compositors can work with it, i've made the animation overlap with is inverted self and had the two be in contrasting colours, rather than rendering out each version of colour combinations, after effects has the function to hue shift the animations, resulting in as many colours as needed.

 other animations i will be doing have been made loop from the last to the first frame so it can be used for as long as needed, some scenes go for long periods of time and creating a more complex animation throughout the length of it would be unessorsary. 
 first design i made using a animated ball, then an animated tail behind it, this almost gives a different style to the animation but is effective when not using techniques such as the "squash and stretch" like the balloon animations above.

using the same duplication technique i mentioned above i have created a "helix" animation that will, when finished be split into two animations, one being the origination of the colours and the other being the looping animation.
this is another test to see what was wanted in the visuals of the animation, just a small effect that can be used anywhere.  


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