Dark Star part 14

Random notes on Dark Star's development

part of creating this series concept was that i wrote a large amount of random concepts and ideas that came to mind into a powerpoint document.

in order of when these were written, for context this will be the first of several posts, most notes in brackets are for future explanations of what's going on that i didn't need to explain to myself. 

Random development notes part 1: 

new introduction/ pilot episode concept

All three characters don’t know each other, and were investigating the same thing rumours of the dark star, for their own reasons. meeting for the first time in a three way battle before recognising each other from school before it closed down, recognising that they aren't the guards of the facility their investigating, together they find out about the hunter, killing the line of creations from the previous dark star wieldier.

The characters find that its best to stick together and head to bolo, last known direction of the dark star.

when reaching bolo they compete with Reginald of faragard, finding out that others have discovered of it, Reginald fights the monster with them when it comes to it, but makes off with the dark star, Gideon (changed name of Kiro) knows that any world power/region can't get a hold of it, during this time the war on duneford begins between it and helmscroft, orem and zie (now named Cardridge).


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