Dark Star part 20

History of the Grimvaul Empire (lore development)

The Grimvaul Empire was shaped into what it is today by two key events in history, the extinction of magic and the new world order.

Extinction of Magic

Magic was always seen as a taboo in Grimvaul, rumors of cruelty and maniacal plotting had spread about its users for years, every instance of a magic wielder defending themselves was seen as a terroristic act to further their plans, preforming magic in public areas was forbidden, not by law but by people’s beliefs, when tensions where raised after a township was destroyed, believed to be another act of magic terrorism and the governing forces not siding with the general public’s opinion, the citizens took control into their own hands, militias actively burning books and killing anyone known to have used magic, all done under the facade of equality, but in actuality caused by the long term dehumanization and fear of magic wielders. Over the course of 47 years, magic not only appears to have been brought to extinction, but seems to have never existed in the first place.

New World Order 

With magic gone the leaders of the militias and spurries of the genocide where revered, coincidently being heads of large companies, the wealthiest “elites” of society, now with the resources, the perceived incompetence of the current governing force and vindication of the general public behind them a new world order was formed, it being a plutocracy with the wealthiest at the top and no one to challenge them, both in power and leadership. The result of this was the empire being segregated into sections each of the corporation’s, and their figurehead’s controlled under a contractual “land segregation” agreement.         


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