

Image result for baraka movieBaraka is a 1992 no-dialog film directed by Ron Fricke, the film consists of a variety shots of varying things, the most frequent to appear are shots of different cultures and religions preforming their traditions, in which the film can be seen to have a message/purpose of showing the lengths of human diversity, the cultures shown vary from native tribes to minimum wage/slave labor workers doing repetitive tasks. 

my opinion: the use of no dialog

using no dialog in a film can ether support the story/message or hinder it depending on said story/message and the general tone, Baraka suits not having dialogue as what can be said is done so through visuals and music but other films have used the technique to falsify artistic value, much like using black and white film with no purpose.

i would recommend this film, but only to certain people as the purpose would be loss on them.
there also was the "squeal" to baraka, Samsara, however less successful. 


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