Dark Star part 17

Random notes on the Dark Star series development part 4

First concepts for episode springboard, really ruff and once again made for myself in the development process, not reeeellly meant for others to see but i need them blog posts to pass.

Ep 1 springboard
Character introductions, followed by how they heard of the dark star, all hear it from the same suspicious individual 
All three characters don’t know each other, and are investigating the same thing, the rumours of a Dark Star and are looking for it for their own reasons, meeting for the first time in a three way battle before recognising each other from school, together they find out about the hunter, killing the line of creations from the previous dark star wieldier, and that they are those creations 
Suspicious of manipulation (whether it was to get them all to kill each other or get attack once finding the dark star) The characters find that its best to stick together and head to bolo, last known direction of the dark star in the research they find.

Ep 2 springboard 

On there way to bolo they pass through a seemingly abandoned village until they are called over by a young boy named Wallace, they enter his home and he tells them of what happened to make the village scared, the sage of the village stopped the bolo “borrowers” from transporting the piece of the dark star to helmscroft, to which he was meet with one of them attempting to use it the dark star on him, being untrained it turned him and his allies into monster’s, from then the allies who are now monsters plague the village every night and the wielder seemed to have run off towards bolo, the group after some debate and the promise of food then decide on staying the night and trying to solve the problem. 

Ep 3 springboard 

when reaching bolo they have a encounter with Reginald of faragard, finding out that others have been told about it, Reginald, being honour bound and stubborn doesn’t believe he could have been manipulated but fights the monster with them when it comes to it, but makes off with the piece of the dark star leaving them with the knowledge that this will win the war for faragard, unknown to them there is a world war beginning, but that doesn’t change their path of getting the dark star. 

Ep 4 springboard

Characters find reg, attempting to leave pofill and caught by Helmscroft soldiers that Gideon knew, they attempt to talk to Gideon but he slaughters them, giving the first hint of Gideons true nature, Darcy rushes up to reg to see if he is all right, stopping Gideon from reaching him, after healing him, which causes some minor damage to himself, Reginald has never known such kindness and tells them of coming events 

this has all changed, so if is garbage it's gone garbage.  



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