Dark Star part 34

New Map

 upon looking back at the original map i felt that the paper effect i had created could be better, i tried to emulate a stain/old paper effect.

after trying out layer styles i happened upon one that made it look like inked in water, using the Difference layer style and changing the text to white i have created a far more vivid and eye catching version of the map.

Extra Drawings 

 i decided whilst making a draft version of the pitchbible that i could include the characters headwear on the character personality and backstory page, the characters don't always wear the headgear but it's just a additional feature that makes the pitch bible look better whilst giving more insight into the series clothing design. 

Darcy's Tinkers goggles  

 Gideon's Enforcers mask 

Ash's Shifters Helmet  


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