Dark Star part 28

Random notes 

a collection of ideas i've had that may or may not be continued in the development of Dark Star.
once again these notes are not written with the intention of being understandable by anyone other than myself, however i have changed them enough to be upon putting them into this blog post, there is still issues that, if the idea passed to the final version will/have been fixed an can be seen in future posts.  

new character ideas

The betrayer

Turned against other magic users at the time of the "magic genocide", giving up info on the whereabouts of hidden areas, settlements etc, guaranteeing his own survival.

The fraud

Claiming to be the conduit of power for the gods to heal others, she has found a way to use magic for good without persecution, however it is through lies.

Abel wooknaven – leader of the secret magic society 

  • Genuine, kind, understanding
  • Knows the protagonists have to return to the dark star to have it function, doesn’t like it but needs it to happen
  •  helps the protagonists to get parts of the dark star after they meet him in the resistance, which he is the leader of 
  • Embodiment of the greater good concept
  • Wants to stop the war, still cares for non magic users  

Lucan Jägernov - leader of the resistance

  • Lucan represents the alternative “greater good” concept, one that believes that you can't value the masses, only the individual, some people are worth more than others 
  • Is bound by honor of his own divestment
  • Believes that the protagonists are worthy, and beliefs keeping the dark star as individual parts if more beneficial
  • [possibility] secretly possesses magic        

purpose of the Dark Stars creation

When the Dark Star is fully formed it can bestow omnipotence, this was the in the original plan to stop the magical genocide but the first, and only one believed to be capable of being the wielder mentally “snapped "forever in a state of learning and forgetting as his mind couldn't hold all that knowledge, his mind was suppose to be protected and cableable of “ever Learning” but instead his mind is, essentially, constantly being replaced with another.

who is the cloaked figure? 

Only a child at the time of the extinction of magic, forced to attend a book burning he saw one land near him, a blank book, no title or writings in the pages, unknown to him this was part of the dark star, he took it and returned to gather all the scraps of magical knowable he could find, repairing and interpreting the writings he could find, turning them into three books, the three books that Ash, Darcy and Gideon learned from, receiving them as anonymous gifts or finding them is unscrupulous places.




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