Dark Star part 33

Other Characters introduced in the Pitch 

 Version 1

the first deuteragonist / antagonist character i decided to design was originally called Abel Wooknaven until i decided that was a better last name for the protagonist Ash, so now he is called Isaac Wulfren, this was the initial design but it felt to gaunt

Version 2

 the following design came out far better yet simpler, i was giving him the "thousand yard stare" but after one pupil i thought that one blinded eye also speaks volumes to his character

Version 3

some tests of the character clothing colours, hard to do since it was a bust but you get the general idea

 Final Version 

 Version 1 

Lucan is another deuteragonist / antagonist, what i was trying to convey in his appearance is that its difficult to tell if he is a good or bad person, his features are more triangular and gaunt than Isaacs 

 Final version 

Final Version 

the hooded figure wasn't to difficult to create as most of his appearance is hidden and the rest was already designed in a draft version of the poster/cover for the pitch bible. 


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