Part 9 Visual Diary for Exhibit Project

Drafts of the characters and what there characteristics are generally based off 

 Character generally based of the characters: Iron Man, Star Lord, Batman
Character generally based of the characters:James Bond,John McClane,Jason Bourne
Character is generally based of the charactersIndiana Jones, Jack Sparrow, Max from Mad Max (sort of)

  •  A large percentage of the most popular and iconic animated characters are animals with some human features and personality traits, in family friendly films
  • I will attempt adapting some styles of those characters into a new animal character.
  • character style based of: the Lion King, Jungle Book, Bambi 

Character is generally based of the sub-genre of characters that are all around the most popular consecutively: modern Disney "princesses"/ female lead characters.  
Characters are generally based of films like: Hot Fuzz, Austin Powers, The Nice Guys, The Other Guys
Character is generally based of the charactersHermine Granger, Alice from Alice in Wonderland, Eowyn from Lord of the Rings
Character is generally based of the characters: Aragon and Gandalf from Lord of the Rings, Dumbledore from Harry Potter Darth Vader from Star Wars
Character is generally based of the characters: Hannibal Lecter, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers  
Character is generally based of the characters: Blade, Hellboy, Han Solo 


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