Part 2 Visual Diary for Exhibit Project

Fantasy Film Genre 

Because fantasy is a large and unspecific genre I have split it into three characters. This is the most common genre to have popular female characters or human like species characters, excluding animation.

•    Popular fantasy female characters tend to be outcasts and/or breaking the concepts of gender roles (can be based on the time zones the film is set in) in one way or another eg: Hermine granger, Alice from Alice in wonderland, Eowyn from Lord of the Rings, Arya stark and  Daenerys Targaryen from game of thrones . Characters in this category have a tendency to be young/ younger than other characters in the film
    Popular male fantasy characters tend to be leaders or/and wise but can and will fight just as if he was another soldier/warrior eg: Aragon and Gandalf from Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Dumbledore (at points in the film series) Darth Vader from Star Wars (sci-fi fantasy) characters have a tendency to be older than most character’s
Or charismatic wildcards, in one way or another, Hell-Boy, Han Solo (sci-fi fantasy) Gollum (manipulative charisma), Blade, Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones, characters in this category have a high tendency to be other species than human but still has the effect of Anthropomorphism/ being human like 


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