Part 1 Visual Diary for Exhibit Project

Visual Diary Entry for BSA

This visual diary is made to describe the process that was involved in creating the exhibit work for the south sure emerging artist event

Key question

Over the course of my research and character creating the key question has changed to suit, both in undesirability and to be able to complete it within the time restraints.

Originally my question was 

What is more important in a film character, relatability or desirability (what the audience/viewer wants to be like, or ideals of perfection are).

But this eventually changed to

Finding out, based on the most popular character’s in film what can be assumed to be the most liked characteristics in each genre.

How i attempted to answer this

Creating characters based of the concepts of those most popular characters for each of the key genres in film.

In short this work is a generalization of what the film viewing public like in film characters.

I also introduced methods of analyzing what characters I should be looking to for answers by
A characters popularity can be also seen through a fan base, longevity of relevancy and the films they appear ins popularity and earnings 

The characters in each genres I will be analyzing will be characters who's films genres are directed/ styled most toward the genre I'm analyzing eg. Lord of the Rings is both action, adventure and fantasy but is primarily a fantasy film.


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