Cover/poster Development Version 1 the final "sketchy" draft design, just to get the general shapes and positions of the characters, at this point the two figures in the far back hadn't been visually created yet so i couldn't go into any great detail Version 2 the second draft version, the characters at the front have the new designs but the ones at the back are currently place holders. also has the newly created Dark Star symbol. Version 3 the final outlines and colours for the characters Version 4 this was a test using a mashed up version of another background i came across when i was contemplating what to make it look like. Version 5 this is the first complete background i have created, it however needed more colour and to be darker as to put more focus on the characters. Version 6-1 differing colour tests Version 6-2 Version 6-3 Version 6-4 Version 7-1 additional fixes and a "fog" effect to beld the charac...