research project 8

hit death and doge  


the hit animation is used whenever the player receives damage, but to insure the player doesnt get caught in a "stun lock" ive kept the frame count low for this animation, also there is the use of independent movement from the tassels and rotating head and pained expression to better show the player is being hit


the death animation occurs when the players health reaches zero, this animation involves allot of the "breaking the body" technique to make the mid air spin look right and to give the effect that the player has gone limp. i will animate the tassels spinning to the improve the readability and fluidity of this animation.

this is a example of how using this technique can better an animation


to avoid seeing the last two animations the player can doge the attack, this animation also uses the breaking technique to make it readable that the character is pushing off the ground to roll.


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