BSA 306 part 2

initial steps

The research I plan on doing involves investigating examples of previous works and
practitioners that reflect and answer my own line of Research, deconstructing scenes from a
variety of animations styles to see what suits my needs most, looking into tutorials on
animation and special effects and experimenting with what I find in one or more scenes I
plan on using in my final product for the third year project, a series preview.

With most of the animations Im making throughout this year I am attempting to create a unique version of already used concepts of magic, to do this I referenced both successful series that I personally enjoy and a variety of Pinterest/online images and gifs, ill try adapting the two, or made a similar version of one for my own development in animating magic effects. 

example of "firebending" animation used in avatar

example of "alchemy" animation used in fullmetal alchemist 

example of a effect that can be incorporated into  a magic animation, found on pintrest, as well as other misilanice tutorials.
