BSA 306 part 1

Project question / project intention

How to create Special effects for 2d animation, with a focus on magic with a cost of using, and its development in power.

Magic with a cost is also known as technical or hard Magic, there is not consistently used term for it but the premise of this concept is that magic is closer to a science, the energy and resources to use it have to come from somewhere, causing a variety of costs depending on the fictional world it derives from.

An example of this are full metal alchemist were everything done with magic, which in this world called it’s called alchemy, has to have an equal and opposite price, such
as transmuting one object into another, often brought up throughout the series is a quote that explains this to the audience.

“Human kind cannot obtain anything without first giving something in return To obtain, something of equal value must be lost That is alchemy's first law of equivalent

The purpose of this research project is to learn about a variety of animation techniques used
in visualizing technical magic in a range of 2d animated film/series and adapting or adversely
applying them to my own third-year project and future practices.
Image result for fullmetal alchemist brotherhood gif


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