BSA 106 German expressionist film

German expressionist film- the cabinet of Dr.Caligari (1920)

one of the most famous German expressionist is this German silent horror film directed by Robert Wiene's that is a fantasy horror narrated by a mad man. it used techniques common in other German expressionist films such as

colour filming, overlaying the scene with a particular colour representing a mood
styilization of characters, more use of gestures
animating objects (antropomorphising)
decritive elements (implementing impressois)

because of German expressionism's popularity it influenced many other movies and had a great impact on the film industry. films like these were popularized during the early 20th century but have inspired modern film makers such as Tim Burton as seen by his use of similar techniques such as in the nightmare before Christmas where the stop motion characters have exaggerated movements and gestures like that of the stylized characters of the German expressionism era to further depict emotion.also overlaying a scene or character with a particular colour to evoke a idea its  audience with visuals, such as red to show evil, green to show disgust and blue for good.


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