Advanced Animation part 1

Backgrounds for 2d animation

The Advanced animation technique Im investigating into for the BSA 326 paper, and to be implemented into my 3rd year project is how to create 2d backgrounds from a 3d-simplified version, rendering it, and tracing it in photoshop, primarily to get the perspective right, then i will add more detail.

I initially looked into using SketchUp, a program that is used to create 3d architecture, furniture and the like. Many tutorials i looked into that emulated the technique i was trying to learn used sketchup to create digital art backgrounds, however i found out after my own use of the free version it didn't have the tools i needed to do what i wanted, the purchasable version may, but i wasn't going to pay to find out.


the program i ended up using for the 3d section of the pipeline was maya as i had experience using it, and it had the tools to create the basic backgrounds i was wanting, but if i did have to pay for it, which i don't because i have the student version or the SIT owned full version, i wouldn't use it, but that's just because Maya is expensive   


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