Group project part 12


1st showing night 

hungry seagull productions ran a viewing of the final cut of the film on the 20th of June, for the event i was part of the catering team preparing the food for the "waiting room" where the audience stayed in before and after the showing.

the event night ran without any problems and the audience attendance was above expected, not only because it was a Wednesday night, during the last meeting i have heard from several of the other members of hungry seagull productions that people enjoyed both the event and the short film, not without some few who had constructive criticism however (which was welcomed).

i personally didn't get asked any questions during the event but from what i saw being there i do believe the overall event was a resounding success.

own thoughts    

overall the final product was as successful as could be hoped, its my personal opinion that the short film became more about the main character valuing his art than showing the youth homeless issue in New Zealand, not all homeless people have a "creative outlet" to avoid thoughts of depression or desperation, furthermore the ending doesn't show the main character ether overcoming his homelessness or someone helping him to do so, it doesn't show ways the audience can help the issue and if the purpose of the film is to only show that homelessness exists and is a problem that fact is already well known.

for the visuals of the film, this was the first time i saw how my animations were composited into the short film, my first thoughts were that they were not used how i intended them to be, i made several of the animations for specific moments in the film, instead they were just random, however this still suited the film, for the shadow animations all but one scene was as intended, the "off" animations seems to be running at a low frame rate for some reason and may be changed in the final version for the flicks.    

Working hours + Total

 Due to bad formatting the total hours for each week and overall total are separated, the overall total being 157 



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