research project 2

animations needed

the animations that i believe i can do in the time frame i have and can be used to create a full game character (and enemy) are

  • Run cycle x2
  • Idle
  • Quick combo x2
  • Heavy combo
  • Doge forward/backward
  • Hit x2 (when a character is damaged)
  • Death x2
  • rapid cycle attack
  • Card throw (special move)
  • Super attack 
i was originally going to have my main reference be the fighting game skull girls as its the most modern 2d fighter but the animation team referenced the game street fighter third-strike, so i used a combination of the two 

i will now look into the techniques used in these and possibly other games and see how i can implement them, so far i think that i will end up using multiple techniques in each animation.

Image result for skullgirlsImage result for street fighter 3rd strike


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