research project 5
run cycle outlines test 1 with the run cycle i was attempting to get some independent movement from the shirt the fool wears as well as the tassels (which i haven't added yet). this is one of the references i used to see how to implement independent movement into my run cycle as seen in the qipao (type of Chinese dress) chun li wears. finished idle idle done in full colour, also added mask details and fixed some problems with the outlines. the tassels now stand out properly and overall i believe the animation is fluid/active. overshoot test 1 first test of the overshoot technique on a three hit quick combo, i have found that using the technique also involves it being a "held frame" technique aswell, theses techniques work together, giving a visually better impact. one of the animations i used as reference shows a perfect example of what im attempting to do, not to make the limb look stretched ...