BSA 206 Dogme 95

Dogme 95 

Dogme 95 was a concept invented in 1995 by two danish directors who wanted to return films to there purest form, removing excessive technology from the filming process that they believed tarnishes genuine creativity. this became a "manifesto" with a set of rules that need to be fulfilled for a film to be considered Dogme, this was labeled as the Vow of Chastity. 

the vows

  • Shooting must be done on location. Props and sets must not be brought in. If a prop is necessary for the story, a location must be chosen where this prop is to be found
  • The sound must never be produced apart from the images or vice versa. Music must not be used unless it occurs where the scene is being shot
  • The camera must be handheld. Any movement or immobility attainable in the hand is permitted. The film must not take place where the camera is standing ; shooting must take place where the film takes place
  • The film must be in colour. Special lighting is not acceptable. If there is too little light for exposure the scene must be cut or a single lamp be attached to the camera
  • Optical work and filters are forbidden
  • The film must not contain superficial action – murders, weapons, etc. must not occur
  • Temporal and geographical alienation are forbidden. That is to say the film takes place here and now
  • Genre movies are not acceptable
  • The film format must be Academy 35mm
  • The director must not be credited

Question to be answered 

who where the directors who started it?
Lars von Trier and Thomas Vinterberg

when did it end?

2005 due to it becoming a genre which he creators didn't want as there rules forbid using genres. 
no,      just because some of these rules that are labelled under the dogme genre and can make for a different style of film it doesn't make it pure or more focused on story/characters, just making a film using the dogme rules wont make it inherently good or focused on story and characters, that relies on the entire film crew whether it was a dogme film or not and "purity in film making" could be described as many things, dogme 95 is only pure in the eyes of those who made and followed dogme. 

do I feel that the rules of dogme make film making more pure and movies that focuses on the story and characters?

dogme films can/could induce that effect on the audiance, but that is all down to the film makers influences not the vows, just using the rules of dogme 95 does not inherently mean that the film will be more pure and focused on the story and characters, there is no rule that states if its a bad film then its not dogme 95


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