stop motion blog report 1

stop motion 

step 1 story

after pairing into groups me and Chris discussed several concepts for short film ideas and land on that of a magicians act gone wrong and the after math of that, this consists of the final act of the show, ending with the magicians final trick, the "decapitation" of his assistant, however this becomes a literal decapitation only recognized by the magician and after some time 2 cops in the crowd causing a chase to ensue.

step 2 style

the style of the film in a genre, would be dark humor and the characters we have decided are going to be wire frame puppets such as those from the corpse bride, with exaggerated features that depict there personality's better visually..

step 3 refinement

the refinement of these concepts led to several changes in the story but those changes themselves have not been finalized, originally we had a soon to be husband who was engaged to the assistant character but this was removed due to having to create too many characters for the time frame we are working in.

character concepts- Chris
the preliminary ideas will be done by Chris and depict the general idea of the characters appearance, weather they can be made into puppets is yet to be known but we will attempt to have similarity's.

storyboard thumbnails- myself
these thumb nail sketches are just a general outline of what will occur in the short film, that will naturally be redone in the story boarding stage, these thumbnails will depict scene structure and camera placement.


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