
Showing posts from November, 2017

extra game assets

HUD ive change the original HUD to make it easier to program and read, now the health is indicated by half hearts, the player now can receive 6 hits before losing, if i was to continue making this game that would be increased with upgrades as levels get more difficult. also there is a player icon next to the health which could be changed to incorporate multiple players or different characters text these are some of the used and unused text drawings that have/would have been made into buttons instructions or info.

scene assets 3

extra details  to make the level seem more diverse and populated i have made a variety of extra game objects that i will place amongst the buildings, also as the level progresses the extra details change to have more "civilized" things eg: wooden fences become stone walls, less bushes more barrels and lanterns. another thing that i will try to incorporate into my game level is the use of animated objects as seen in the flags bellow.

scene assets 2

repeatable ground and distant background to make it so i don't have to use a repeating ground i have make the dirt, cobbling and what i call "under stone" all as separate drawings, this is so i can work to making the level change from "village" to "town" by having more cobbles and under stone and less exposed dirt. this is the repeating distant background that i will but behind the "foreground"background , since it will be mostly hidden by the foreground buildings and extra details it didn't need to be that detailed or have variants.

Scene Assets 1

Buildings these are the building designs of the 1st level of the game, when i started i tried to make them "rickety" and oddly made but after the first designs (first line bellow) i found that the messy tiling took to long to do and didn't look as i wanted so the rest are "oddly made" but are tidier.  when i started making the designs for the background buildings i unintentionally made them to detailed to draw with the speed i can produce them at to have that many, however what i have done is made copy's, alter the designs via changing colour's, size and adding extra details to give the appearance of variety in the 1st level design.